Data Collection
Platform runs multiple databases simultaneously and can dynamically interact with dM client's backend database or cloud. All data remains private. Data is never sold and cannot be hacked, cracked, co-opted, shadow-banned or spoofed.
Instant Recognition
dM uses a number of technologies to identify and curate unique digital identifiers for attendees, credentialed staff, & administrators.
Dynamic Push
Content and messaging can dynamically interact with your audience, on the fly or pre programmed. Move the crowd and trigger response at the touch of a finger.
dM is a paradigm shifting revenue generator. Attract new, bigger, and return sponsors at higher profits.
Expansive New Revenue Streams
Live chat and real time polling allow you connect to your audience dynamically. System can "push" any digital content directly to the user's smart device at will or preprogramed.
Unparalleled Communication
dM Platform and interact dynamically with all types of existing media including audio, projectors, digital screens, scoreboards, lighting systems, etc.
Media Support